Who We Are

YHWH was created out of a love made known, a need that was seen, and a call that was heard (Psalm 107).
YHWH is the tetragrammaton of one of the names of God, often spoken as “Yahweh” (Exodus 3:14). It was (and still is, by certain groups) regarded too holy to be spoken.
Our desire is simply to share the goodness and truth of the Gospel. To tell the world of the beautiful name of God that they may seek and find that He is Lord and that they may discover the unconditional love that is for them.
Our vision is to speak truth through our apparel, empowering people to express their identity as children of the Most High King, and to encourage believers to be bold as they carry the name of their Lord, not only on their shirts, but also on their hearts. It is also a call to live a life of consistency before our God
What’s Ahead
As of now, we intend to post about our reflections from Bible study, volunteer events, testimonies, and so much more! We hope this page will be an encouragement to you as you get to know more about our team and our individual walks with God. Likewise, we would love to know more about your relationship with Christ. So, please don’t be shy and share with us :)
Stay updated on all things YHWH!
Store: www.yhwhapparel.com
Instagram: @yhwhapparel
Facebook: facebook.com/yhwhapparel